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    Restoration Tours

    Join us aboard Battleship Texas for a unique opportunity to tour a historic vessel that served from 1914 to 1948. Each 1.5-hour guided tour will differ and is subject to change as ongoing work aboard progresses. Conducted in an active shipyard (see dress code and accessibility below), participants will get a rare behind-the-scenes opportunity to learn and discuss the restoration to return Battleship Texas to its 1945 appearance.

    Tour Highlights


    Walk the plank (or several) as you step on the new wood decking meticulously laid down on the ship’s bow. Learn about the use of long-leaf yellow pine and teak wood, how the deck changed over the years, and what it takes to correctly fit the new planks today.


    Venture into the Captain’s Cabin to see a hand-painted map uncovered after being lost for many years. Learn what it took to stabilize and repair this map following its discovery, and become one of the first to view it following its restoration.


    By 1945, Battleship Texas had six 5″/51 cal guns, which comprised the ship’s secondary battery. Battleship Texas staff and volunteers worked for two years to restore each gun and mount, totaling more than 7,750 man-hours. Get a firsthand look at these guns that fired upon the shores of Iwo Jima and Okinawa.


    This tour takes place in an active shipyard and Battleship Texas is an active worksite. Because of this, there are certain accessibility considerations. Because of ongoing work onboard, participants will need to be able to walk safely on uneven surfaces, climb narrow and steep stairs (“ladders”), and stand for extended periods. There are no ramps for mobility scooters or wheelchairs. This tour is entirely outdoors, so participants should be mindful of severe heat or cold depending on the season.

    Total Walking: 1/2 mile over 1 and 1/2 hours

    Total Climbing: Equivalent of 3 flights of stairs, up and down

    Tour Information

    Tours offered Sundays only

    Tour Calendar
    Tickets $75
    Buy Tickets

    Gulf Copper Shipyard
    2920 Todd Rd
    Galveston, TX 77550