Crew Members & Family
If you have a family member who served on Battleship Texas, we want to hear from you! We would love to hear anything you remember about his service, any stories you may have heard, or anything else you can share. Unfortunately, most of the ship’s crew is no longer with us, so your family history is one of the best ways we have to learn about their lives. We have also helped many families to learn more about their veterans and may be able to help you get a better picture of your family member’s service. You can contact us at (832) 841-3500 or [email protected]
If you have personal items from your family member, such as uniforms, medals, photos, letters, or other items, please consider discussing an artifact donation with us. You can ask us about it or find more information here.
How do I find my family member’s service records?
We have only limited records on Battleship Texas crew members, but we can usually find at least basic information about a crew member. Email us at [email protected] with as much identifying information as you have, such as
- Full name, first, middle, and last
- Time period served (and/or time period served on Texas)
- Date of birth
- Navy or Marine
- Officer or enlisted
- Rank or rating
- Place of enlistment (or what city/state they lived in when they joined the Navy/Marines)
- Service number

You can also submit a request to the National Archives (NARA) at NARA will ask for the above information as well – while it is possible to find records with as little as a first and last name, it will be much harder without other identifying information. We may be able to help you find some of this information, which would make it easier to request service records from NARA.
If you submit a request to NARA, they will typically find and send you a copy of the veteran’s NAVPERS 553, the Navy and Marine Corps predecessor to the modern DD-214 (discharge paperwork). They will also look for other documents, such as award citations (an official record/description of the actions that earned the award). If you receive any of these documents, please consider sending us a copy as well!