7/21/24 – Battleship Texas Update
Posted by Battleship Texas Foundation on July 21, 2024

We were honored to host a tour for the families of former crewmembers this Sunday. Over twenty individuals related to the men who served aboard Battleship Texas from various periods were able to witness the repairs and restoration first hand. We look forward to seeing you, and many more crewmember families, in the future!
Do you have a family member who served on Battleship Texas? Let us know!
The ship is still moored along Pier D in Gulf Copper Shipyard where their people are hard at work. It cannot be understated how much we appreciate their efforts in this undertaking as we know the work before them has not been easy.
What’s Next?
Battleship Texas will remain at Gulf Copper Shipyard until her new home is ready for her. Additional steel work, removal and replacement of the ship’s deck, and superstructure/aft fire control restoration will continue. And painting the topsides!
The Battleship Texas Foundation will be offering touring options while the ship is in the shipyard. Participants will be able to view ongoing work and restoration or learn all about how the ship operated during its service career. An announcement will be made once touring options become available.
There is a lot to be done before the ship is ready for touring at its new home in Galveston, Texas. Reopening is projected to happen in late 2025 or 2026.
Missing Guns?
The ship’s anti-aircraft guns are currently undergoing restoration. The guns and gun directors will be replaced once their restoration is complete. All six of the ship’s 5″ guns have already been reinstalled.

Deck Repairs
The decking on the ship’s bow has been removed as well as the wood on the ships super structure deck. The ship’s steel deck has been sandblasted, repaired, primed, and awaits installation of the new pine deck. Workers have begun installing the first margin planks on the ship’s deck. These planks are cut to length, fitted to the area of the deck they are going, and primed before installation. Yes, some of the wood from the 1990 deck is being saved to produce items to raise funds. Some deck wood items are already available in the ship’s store.

Battleship Texas is being painted in her historic Measure 21 camouflage scheme, as she appeared in the Pacific Theater in 1945. The hull was previously painted Navy Blue 5-N in dry dock. All vertical surfaces will be painted Navy Blue 5-N and all horizontal surfaces will be Deck Blue 20-B.
Main Mast
The deck on the ship’s main mast has been repaired or replaced in certain areas, historic safety railings have been reinstalled around ladderways, gun mount bases have been reinstalled, and other miscellaneous repairs have been completed. The ship’s main mast continues to be blasted, primed, and painted following repairs. The radar top mast, along with its SG and SK radar, will be reinstalled.
Whistle & Siren
The ship’s steam whistle and siren are being reinstalled on the smoke stack. Both will be functional.
Aft Fire Control Restoration
The ship’s aft fire control tower is looking great! The mullions for the windows are fitted, floater net baskets added, and more. These repairs and additions will help return the ship to its 1945 appearance.
Turret Watershed Repairs
The turret watersheds are being removed for repairs. The watersheds keep water out of the gaps between the turret and barbette. They will be reinstalled once those repairs are complete.
Barrel Storage Tubes
Storage tubes that once held spare barrels for the ship’s 20mm anti-aircraft guns have been fabricated and reinstalled. Not every tube will be installed at this time, but it is one more step to presenting the ship in its 1945 appearance.
Floater Net Baskets
Several floater net baskets have been added in a few areas aboard. These baskets held nets which were designed to free float if a ship were to sink and provide sailors something to hold on to until they were rescued.
Drainage Repairs
The ship’s drainage system is being restored. This will protect the ship from rain water intrusion and greatly extend the life of the other top-side repairs that are in progress.
Radar Top Mast
The radar top mast has been removed from the ship’s main mast and has largely completed the required repairs. There are a few things which need to be done before it gets its final coat of paint and is reattached to the ship.