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    12/3/23 – Battleship Texas Update

    Posted by Battleship Texas Foundation on December 3, 2023

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    Dry Dock Tours are Sundays only, until January 28th. Discount available for returning Dry Dock Tour visitors. Click below for more information.

    Dry Dock Tour


    Blasting & Coating

    The ship’s hull is now being sandblasted at night and inspected for holes and damage during the day. The necessary repairs are made before the final coating is applied. The coating used is PPG SIGMA SHIELD 880 GF.

    Hull Number

    The new hull numbers have been extensively researched so each number is not only the correct font, but applied in the appropriate position it was in 1945. Welders have created an outline where that will be painted on in the near future.

    Ship’s Name Applied

    The lettering for the ship’s name has been cut from steel plate and has been attached to both sides of the stern. A ton of work and research went into getting the correct font and positioning. Welders have created an outline showing where it will go.

    Tank Cleaning

    Tanks inside the ship are being inspected, cleaned, and repaired if need be. Some will be coated with a marine coating to help prevent corrosion.

    Leak Testing

    All welds continue to be tested for leaks. Leak testing is done by vacuum box, dye penetrant, or magnaflux depending on the area.

    Torpedo Blisters (COMPLETE)

    The new torpedo blisters are a slightly different design and square off at the bottom below the waterline. This design change will make the new blisters easier to maintain increasing their longevity.

    Super Structure Repairs

    Structural, decking, drainage, and other repairs have begun on the ship’s foremast and aft control tower as part of the Save America’s Treasures grant project.

    Deck Repairs

    Gulf Copper’s yard workers are now working on decking on the Flag Bridge and Forward Air Defense Platform (that’s four levels up from the Signal Bridge, where this project started). A part of the deck repairs includes sand blasting and priming the underside. Scaffolding is in place around the foremast for this work.

    Aft Fire Control Tower

    Work continues in the AFCT as the old grating that was installed in 1988 has been completely removed and replaced with a steel deck. Small repairs to the bulkheads are currently ongoing. Gulf Copper has cut open the AFCT to reinstall historically accurate windows, as the plan is to have it look as it did in 1945.

    Splinter Shields

    Gulf Copper has been correcting many of the Splinter Shields or “Gun Tubs” on the ship. These shields are reproductions installed in the 1988-90 dry docking which are incorrect. Some are being cut to the correct size and shape, others are being entirely replaced.