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    8/17/24 – Battleship Texas Update

    Posted by Battleship Texas Foundation on August 17, 2024

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    The ship is still moored along Pier D in Gulf Copper Shipyard where their people are hard at work. It cannot be understated how much we appreciate their efforts in this undertaking as we know the work before them has not been easy.


    What’s Next?

    Battleship Texas will remain at Gulf Copper Shipyard while the ship’s new home in Galveston, Texas, is prepared. Additional steel work, replacement of the ship’s deck, further restoration, and painting will be done during this time.


    The Battleship Texas Foundation will be offering touring options while the ship is in the shipyard. Participants will be able to view ongoing work and restoration or learn all about how the ship operated during its service career. Tours are expected to begin in late 2024.


    There is a lot to be done before the ship is ready for touring at its new home in Galveston, Texas. Reopening is projected to happen in late 2025 or 2026.

    Missing Guns?

    The ship’s anti-aircraft guns are currently undergoing restoration. The guns and gun directors will be replaced once their restoration is complete. All six of the ship’s 5″ guns and one quad 40mm Bofors have already been reinstalled.


    Deck Repairs

    Workers are currently laying the pine deck on the ship’s bow. Below is a breakdown of how this is done. Yes, Battleship Texas had a deck made up of mostly pine during the ship’s service career.

    The underlying steel deck has been repaired and made watertight with all existing studs removed and ground flush. Once welding has concluded in each area, the steel is properly coated.

    4″x4″ treated southern yellow pine deck planks are shaped and fitted to the deck then coated to protect against moisture. A Dolphinite Bedding Compound is applied to both the steel deck and bottom of the board prior to final installation. Boards are secured by studs which are welded to the steel deck during installation.

    Plank and margin board seams are caulked using on strand of cotton caulking, three strands of oakum, and sealed with a marine sealant.

    Yes, some of the wood from the 1990 deck is being saved to produce items to raise funds. Some deck wood items are already available in the ship’s store.


    The ship is being painted in the Measure 21 camouflage scheme. All horizontal surfaces will be Deck Blue 20-B, and all vertical surfaces will be Navy Blue 5-N. Battleship Texas is only one of two battleships in a WWII camouflage scheme, and the ONLY ship in Measure 21.

    Main Mast
    The ship’s main mast has been primed and painted in Navy Blue 5-N. The radar top mast, along with its SG and SK radar antennas, has been placed back atop the ship’s main mast! We plan to make a separate post with a more in-depth explanation of all the work that was done.